Seccodeid would like to thank you for your contribution. If you want to contribute with Seccodeid. You can contact via email or telegram, you can chat via telegram @bayjie
Get to Know Our Contributors: The Dedicated Members Who Helped Build Our Forum
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Ready to join?, Seccodeid is looking for contributors or volunteers for those of you who are interested. We would be very grateful if you would like to participate. What we are looking for include: Frontend Developer, Content Creator, Editor, Social Media Management and IT Security.
If you are interested, you can contact us through our contact or via telegram at @bayjie. If you meet the criteria, we will contact you and try to complete some case studies. If you pass, congratulations on joining us.
Requirements :
Frontend developer :
Content creators :
Social media management :
IT security :
You can join our private groups. There are senior developers, senior IT Security, and others.
Other. You can add your insights and experience for future job prospects. Make it easier for you to work, get more experience
You can earn HoF and certificate for dedication and invaluable contributions, we proudly present this certificate of honor.
Mbaung family code. What's that? This mean Seccodeid development family includes programming, embedding programming and development.