About Us

Seccodeid is a free discussion forum platform from Indonesia that discusses computer technology, programming, hacking, problem solving, and other information.

Logo Philosophy

Man in the jacket icon

The man in the jacket, interpreted as a person who is highly dedicated, not arrogant, friendly, spreading knowledge both free and paid.

Code symbol icon

The code symbol, means that Seccodeid is built independently and uses open source programs, with secure coding.


Seccodeid means security and code, this word is inspired by Apple. It can be concluded that Seccodeid likes discussions about IT, computer security, and other interesting things.

Why Seccodeid ?

  • Secure

    Seccodeid has encryption and is fast at processing data.

  • Seccodeid protects your privacy

    Seccodeid doesn't ask for personal information and we don't share any activity in our app with anyone.

  • Private

    Your data is private, and Seccodeid securely protects you. Seccodeid is made for you and can be enjoyed free of charge. Seccodeid does not ask for your privacy, such as date of birth, gender, or others. We only use your email and phone number as a condition of ours.

  • Simple

    Seccodeid is built with a simple design, a friendly design, and secure coding.

  • Opensource

    Seccodeid is free. You can access it without paying.

  • Seccodeid Always Update

    Seccodeid always updates web application anytime and anywhere, for you Seccodeid members. Seccodeid is always checking for updates, fixing bugs, and adding unique features for user convenience and security.

  • Friendly Member

    Seccodeid has many friendly members who are ready to help you. Seccodeid has over 1,500+ friendly members, 1,200+ discussion posts, and 300+ messages sent per day.

Seccode Dev